Wednesday, 12 March 2008

That time approaches

The bell tolls for thee
Rumblings awaken monsters
From within it comes

You know...that was waaaaay too intellectual...

It's time we tried somewhere new.......somewhere fresh.....where the wind comes sweeping down the plains....and the waving wheat can sure smell sweet....When the wind comes right behind the rains.......Everybody now!
Ooooooak! lahoma where the wind comes....sweeping....down......the...plain.....

I can't hear anyone.....except crickets.....>=-sniff-=<





Louise said...

Yay, someone posting other than me!

Neil said...

Alas, several mundane days passed without a fresh Haiku. The monotony of bureaucracy tightened the metaphysical hoops around my psyche's barrel like frame, before hot rivetting my sensibility to the boiler plate of plebian society...or something like that at least....

Louise said...

Why is your profile picture a polar bear?